Thursday, March 31, 2011

Is warm weather ever going to get here? Logan said that Spring is on the way because there are lots more birds in the trees and they're getting ready to build nests.  And there are lots of daffodils blooming.  I'll take his word for it.  We've been outside as much as possible but we are ready for more!

Logan is signed up for t-ball and of course, is completely prepared.  He's got his ball & glove and has practiced a few times.  He's not too bad for a beginner but my gosh, trying to explain anything to him...  Well, if you know Logan at all, you know that you really have one chance to teach him anything and that he's pretty much made his mind up about it beforehand anyways, so good luck! He's just very matter-of-fact about it.  He got mad at Grandpa Cliff for getting him dirty and throwing the ball where he had to chase it.  After getting in trouble for throwing a big fit about the whole deal, he can now fully express how prepared he is to get dirty if need be.  He's your guy.  As his mom, I'm a little worried about how the coaching will go.  I feel sorry for the coach, but at the same time, I'm fiercely protective over my kid.  And this is t-ball...

Harper on the other hand, is ready to cheer him on.  When she gets bigger, she wants to play baseball with her cousin Peyton (never mind the 8 year age difference; they can be on the same team.)  When she gets bigger is the start to a lot of her ideas.  She is just wallowing in the threes.  It's amazing how she can be sweetie pie Harper and with one harsh word she is transformed into a 13-year old snot and then collapses into a puddle of tears and devastation.  My goodness...what are we in for?

Miss Ainslee is moving and grooving her way in circles around everybody.  She is really trying to talk - well, she talks, but she's trying to copy what we're all saying.  She talks on the phone a lot complaining, I'm sure, about the raw deal she gets at our house.  The big kids won't let her destroy their games, mom won't let her dig through the kitchen cabinets or play in the dog water, and that darn cat just runs away any time she tries to love on it.

Travis and I have been working on coming up with a chicken coop design.  Yep.  Chickens.  I mean, why not?  We've got loads of spare time...we've got to keep things moving around here.  Our chicks will be here the end of April.  Logan has named his Chicky Chick; Harper likes Henny; Ainslee didn't really say what she had in mind; Travis is going for something (this is a wild guess) that relates to Wyoming; and me...I'm thinking of assigning them numbers.  There's only 5 on their way.  Travis has spent a lot of time researching & brainstorming.  I've looked at the internet a few times and am going for the "wing it" approach...  We'll keep you posted.

Here's a Little Bit of Trouble for you:

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