Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday!
We celebrated Ainslee's birthday this past weekend.  She was thrilled with the candle & cupcake.  She tried her best to blow it out, but needed some help.  We had family over and of course, they spoiled her rotten...again.  Our kids (and their parents) are lucky to have our family close and involved.  It enriches their lives.  And gives us a great support system.

Logan is staying busy with school.  He is rehearsing for his St. Patrick's Day play (March 16th at 3pm if anyone wants to attend.)  He has one line and has explained to me that he has to sniff around and then say...(you'll have to wait) and then he and other boys fight.  But not really because it's acting so they just pretend, says Logan.

Logan & Harper looking innocent
Harper is busy at dance class because they have a big show coming up in May (May 7th in Lawrence for interested parties.)  They are dancing to a song from Jungle Book.  The costumes are a new thing for me.  On one hand I think good grief, she's 3 and will stand still for 70% of the  show.  On the other hand, she looks awfully cute and has a great time.  We videotaped her teacher so she can practice her dance at home.  She's also been watching clips of Swan Lake.  She tries to copy the moves, but dances with her eyes close (as, apparently, all dancers do) and is a bit wobbly.  But beautiful.
Ainslee trying out her snowsuit for the last time
Miss Ainslee is cruising around, climbing up and trying her best to run.  She loves wandering around the house picking things up - toys, clothes, animals...  She is really babbling and trying to talk.  Right now she can say ni-ni, mama, a version of dada, bup - which is long for up, more and bye.  She loves to participate in family conversations.  She has days where all she wants is up with me, but she's trying to play with the big kids.  Logan likes to chase her and Harper likes to squeeze her.  Harper thanks me a lot for having Ainslee borned because she is the cutest baby in the world.  The girls are sleeping through (mostly) the night - FINALLY! They share a room and it's taken a long while to get them in the same rhythm.  Logan is the sleeping champ.  He goes to bed and you don't hear anything from him until 7 or 7:30 the next morning. It's encouraging because he was our worst sleeper. There's hope for Harper yet.

Logan & Grandpa Cliff made a tunnel

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Ainslee!!!! Your kids are beautiful! Hugs.
