Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wrapping up

Swinging at the Knoche's

We are wrapping up the school year, finishing dance and gearing up for chickens! Harper had her big dance recital last weekend. After a frustrating 2 1/2 hour rehearsal, the recital turned out wonderful. Harper did so well on stage. She loved the costume and the attention. Grandma and Grandpa and Grandma and Grandpa and Grandma and Grandpa and Dad and Logan and Ainslee and Mom all came to watch!

Fancy costume

Chasing butterflies
Hitching a ride

Logan has a program tonight at the high school. He has memorized his lines and he has his own rehearsal this morning. His preschool celebrates their "graduation" from preschool. It's awfully cute even if he doesn't really get it. As long as we celebrate how great he is, it's worth it. I'll try to get pictures up after the big event.

The scoop on the coop: Travis and his dad have worked really hard on the chicks' permanent home. The chickies are about half-feathered and quickly becoming chickens. We've got them outside a few times and the kids just love 'em. The chicks scurry around and try out their ever-growing wings. They're a lot of fun to watch.

Working on the posts (with lots of help)

Logan supervising

Ready for the floor - support test by Logan

Almost ready for chickens!


  1. loving the chicken coop and the dance video, we are going to try out the summer session in June. Allie has been begging me to sign up. I can't believe it is already time for summer, just what I needed. I love reading updates :)

  2. Sounds like you are all very busy!! Thanks for sharing the pictures and we look forward to visiting this summer! Take and miss you all!
