Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I had to post this picture again.  It is just too funny.  

It has been kind of slow start to the week.  Yesterday, the girls and I got out and enjoyed the sunshine and no wind.  I pulled them around the place on the saucer.  Ainslee grinned the whole time and Harper did such a good job of holding her baby sister.  On the second time around, she loudly declared that her arms were tired, so we called it.  She still had enough energy to climb the show mountain outside our porch, though.  Ainslee laid in the snow and swished her hands through it but it is too cold for the baby! Logan missed out because he was being studious at school.  They are learning to tie their shoes and he's awfully excited.  "First you cross, go under, make a loop and keep a long tail out.  Then take the other one, take it around and pull tight through." - in case you needed a reminder.

It is definitely a full pot of coffee kind of morning.  Ainslee has 4 teeth (2 up, 2 down) and is super clingy.  It makes it hard to move around freely when you've got 20 pounds hanging on your pant leg.  She is just so busy.  Up and down and up and down.  Her latest thing is to pick things up and carry them around.  Anything - clothes, stuffed animals, remotes, phones...  She's also starting to talk.  She says mama, dada, ni ni (night night) and her own version of bye bye.  My grandma & grandpa taught her button and it sort of rolls off her tongue.

This is about all the blogging I've got in me today.  We had a pretty rough night of sleep.  Between Harper & Ainslee, I'm doing good to get in 4 hours...if that...and never in a row...

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