Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Afternoon improvement

Our afternoon definitely improved our day. It was a beautiful winter day out there and we took advantage of it. I called my dad for reinforcements and had a blast. We tromped around in the snow, built a snowman pile and then body-slammed it, threw snowballs and did some sledding. My dad had sent Logan down a few times and on one trip, Logan got a little air. Dad and I looked at each other and said, "Let's build a ramp." Perfect for a 5 year old, right? We took it easy and Logan loved it. He wanted to go high enough in the air to make it down to the willow tree. Not quite...

The girls got in on the action, just a more toned down version.

We also cleaned up around our bird feeders and refilled their water. We spend a lot of time watching the busy, busy birds. Logan's favorite is the Downy Woodpecker; Harper's is the Northern Cardinal; I'll guess and say that Ainslee loves the Juncos - they're always in big numbers and move around a lot; Trav's is the bald eagle but they don't frequent the feeder; my favorite is the Tufted Titmouse - although they've been scarce this season.

If winter days were always like this, I'd be more upset to see the snow melt. But around here, these upper 30 degree days filled with sunshine and little wind are kind of rare. As it is, I'm longing for spring (but enjoying days like these.)

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