Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kindergarten, preschool, etc...

So it's been pretty darn exciting around here these days.  Considering I don't update this but once in a blue moon - we've been busy.  We took a trip to Wyoming that involved a lot of driving but everyone was a trooper.  No one got left on the side of the road so that's saying something.  Logan finished his first season of t-ball.  He did awesome!  Harper was a great cheerleader and Ainslee provided something to do for anyone who needed entertainment during lulls in the game.  Logan started kindergarten, Harper starts preschool tomorrow, the chickens are crazy...you get the idea.

Pretty impressive batting skills and we love the thumbs up at the end...

This is how Ainslee plays in the mud.  She is jabbering away and trying her hardest to keep up with the big kids.  She can say a few words but has learned that screaming at the top of her lungs to get her siblings to do what she wants works pretty good.  She loves going for 4-wheeler rides with Poppa.  My grandparents have a cat that Ainslee is bound and determined to make friends with no matter how many times that thing swats her.  

At the races - Topeka.  Logan loved it and always picked the guy in front to win.  We learned quickly that Harper was not going to pick the winner.  She picked the pace car twice...  

First day of school for Harper; third day for Logan (not that he was counting or anything!)  Logan did great his first day.  He was pretty excited about everything right down to the cups by the drinking fountain.  Yesterday, they went through tornado drills, fire drills, intruder alerts, PE, some dang video with a dancing gummy bear (I can now sing the song if you'd like) and sequencing.

And did I mention we had a bike rider?  Logan decided that Saturday he would take his training wheels off and ride a bike like a big kid.  Way to go!  Right now he's keeping to the grass (for the most part.)

Here's our family pic.  We stopped at Sheep Creek Canyon in Utah and Travis set up the self-timer for us.  It was a beautiful afternoon and I love how the picture turned out.  What a handsome bunch we are...